Video: Tricked-Out Copter Becomes DIY Bomber
While hanging out at the Dubai Air Show, Danger Room pal Steve Trimble got to sit in on a strangely fascinating briefing by a Lebanese officer. He described how the Lebanese military turned an old UH-1...
View Article‘Pizza’ Party Codeword May Have Doomed CIA Spies
The CIA may have just lost a network of spies and informants targeting Iran and its Lebanese extremist proxy, Hezbollah. All because they reportedly used a stunningly insecure codeword, pizza, to...
View ArticleInside Hezbollah’s Terror Tech Museum
It's odd to think of Hezbollah, a group labeled by the U.S. as a terrorist organization, creating a tourist attraction. But that's exactly what it's done. The Mleeta museum displays Hezbollah's...
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